Continuous process – How it works?

Continuous Process
Color Service dispersers are suitable also for continuous process. Required amount of dyes, liquid or powder chemicals are sent to service tank for continuous machines precisely with some water. Remaining water is added into top of chemicals locally. Batch is made homogenous before to use by continuous machine. Color Service controls water inlets, stirrer of tank as well as feeding to continuous machines.

Repeat same batch, no problem
Same batch can be repeated many times but consistency is a big problem. However, Color Service repeats same concentration for small or big amount of batches. It is not required to prepare all amount in one step, it is possible to split according to tank capacity. Color Service repeats same concentration.

Automatic repetition
Field panels of each continuous machine control level of service tank and create the request to dispenser to prepare another portion. This process goes on until arrives to total scheduled amount of batch; without any human intervention. If more than one tank is assigned to continuous machine, clever control system of filed panels switch from one tank to other to give you smooth operation.